TOKO AWS A5.1 E7018 welding rods are a type of carbon steel welding rod with a low-hydrogen potassium coating. This type of rod is also known as a "low-alloy" rod, as it contains a small amount of alloying elements to improve its mechanical properties.
E7018 rods are designed for use with both alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC), and can be used in all positions, including flat, horizontal, vertical, and overhead. The low-hydrogen coating of the rod helps to prevent hydrogen-induced cracking in the weld, making it suitable for welding high-strength and high-tensile steels. E7018 rods have excellent arc stability and produce a smooth, slag-free weld bead. They are easy to strike and restart, and produce a strong, ductile weld that is resistant to cracking. These rods are commonly used in heavy-duty welding applications, such as welding bridge girders, heavy machinery, and shipbuilding. What's features of TOKO brand Welding Rods E7018?
(Note, welding electrode must be kept dry. If it gets wet, it must be dried in a rod oven before use. Download AWS E7018 MTC and MSDS, more introductions about E7018) other more : AWS A5.1 E6013, E6010, E6011, E7016, E7018, E8018 etc.
TOKO E6013 welding rods are a type of welding rod that is commonly used for general welding applications. They are classified as low-carbon steel welding rods and are coated with a titanium-based flux. The main characteristics of E6013 welding rods include good arc stability, smooth weld beads, and easy slag removal. These rods are suitable for welding low-carbon steel and can be used for both flat and horizontal welding positions. They are commonly used in a wide range of welding applications, including construction, shipbuilding, and automotive repair.
AWS E6013 is designed for medium to light penetration welding. It is used for welding carbon steel and is also used for welding any type of polarity. As mentioned above, it is very popular for beginners because it readily provides a stable arc that is fit for welding poor fitting joints. It is also used for welding mild steels, some low allow steels, and galvanized steels.
AWS A5.1 E6013 This electrode can be used with AC and DC currents. It produces a medium penetrating weld with a superior weld bead appearance. What's features of TOKO brand Welding Rods E6013? (Download AWS E6013 MTC and MSDS, more introductions about E6013)
TOKO AWS A5.1 E6011 E6011 welding rods are a type of rutile-coated carbon steel welding rod. They are designed for general welding applications and are suitable for use with both alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) power sources. These rods are often used in vertical and overhead welding positions due to their ability to produce a smooth, slag-free weld bead. E6011 rods have good arc stability and are easy to strike and maintain. They produce a strong, ductile weld that is suitable for welding low-carbon steel and some low-alloy steels. However, they are not recommended for welding high-strength or high-tensile steels due to their lower tensile strength compared to other types of welding rods.
Moreover, the cellulose coating of the E6011 welding rod allows for deeper weld penetration. Furthermore, the E6011's high cellulose potassium coating allows and helps conduct AC and DC electric current. What's features of TOKO brand Welding Rods E6011? (Download AWS E6011 MTC and MSDS, E6010 MTC, more introductions about E6011, E6010), What Is the Difference Between 6010 and 6011 Welding Rods?
TOKO AWS A5.4 E309L-16 welding rods are helpful for use in positions that require welding of mild steels and low alloys, such as 304L and 347. They are also recommended for joining of dissimilar steels such as 301 and 304, for joining stainless steels to mild or carbon steels, for buildup and repair on surface flaws, and for overlays in mildly corrosive atmospheres.
Low carbon content will reduce carbide precipitation thus increase the resistance to inter-granular corrosion. Suitable for welding heat-resistant base metal of similar composition. Also for cladding over carbon/low alloy steels.
What's features of TOKO
brand Welding Rods AWS A5.4 E309L?
Moreover, TOKO brand Stainless steel Welding rods includes: AWS A5.4 E307L-16, E308L-16,
E309L-16, E312L-16, E316L-16 etc.
TOKO AWS A5.20 E71T-1C flux cored welding wire is a type of welding wire that is specifically designed for gas-shielded welding applications. It is a flux-cored wire, which means that it contains a flux core that produces a protective gas shield during welding, protecting the weld pool from atmospheric contamination.
TOKO AWS A5.29 E81T1-K2C, is Co2 gas shielded low temperature carbon steel alloy flux cored welding wire, which is designed for welding 560 N/mm2 high tensile strength steel for low temperatures. The weld metal contains about 1.5%-Ni and makes good notch toughness at temperatures under -60ºC of welding condition. it is known for providing great wetting and tie-in on joints. It is very easy to use and is great for high speed welding. It provides excellent usability with stable ARC and efficiency in all-positions of welding. It is suitable for butt or fillet welding of offshore steel structure, petrochemicals engineering,
LNG and LPG carriers, and storage tanks, etc.Application: it is used for welding of 550MPa high strength steel structure, especially for shipbuilding pressure vessel, petrochemical engineering, offshore platform and other steel structures. working in lowest temperatures -60ºC under as welded condition.
What's features of TOKO brand flux cored welding wire AWS A5.29 E81T1-K2C? Applications: Offshore drilling rigs, Ship building, Low temperature storage tanks etc. Download AWS E81T1-K2C MTC . More information about E81T1-K2C)
submerged wire
will produce weld deposits with minimal porosity even over rust and mill scale that may be present on the base metal. This wire is primarily used for single pass butt and fillet welds on mild and low alloy steels plates up to thickness.
TOKO H08MnA Submerged welding wire is used to weld a variety of applications, including oil and gas pipelines, water tanks, steel structures, and chemical process plants. This type of welding wire creates a corrosion-resistant seal that keeps dangerous elements out of the weld. Download AWS A5.17 EM12K MTC, MSDS, EL8(H08A) more introductions about EM12K).
TOKO AWS A5.10 ER5356 (commonly referred to as AIMg5) is a 5% magnesium aluminum filler metal that is available for MIG or TIG welding processes. The weld deposit of Washington Alloy 5356 offers much better corrosion resistance when exposed to salt water. Common applications would be base metals 5050, 5052, 5083, 5356, 5454 and 5456. The post-anodizing color tint is white. Tensile strength average is 38,000 psi
A5.10 ER4043 (commonly referred to as AISi5) is a 5% silicon aluminum filler metal that is available for MIG or TIG welding processes. This alloy is recommended for welding 3003, 3004, 5052, 6061, 6063, and casing alloys 43, 355, 356, and 214. Washing Alloy 4043 has a melting range of 1065 - 1170degree and a density of .097 lb./cu in. The post-anodizing color tint is gray. Tensile strength average is 29,000 psi. What's features of TOKO brand Welding Wire Aluminum ER5356?
ER4043 vs ER5356: As a basic description we can say that 4043 is an aluminum filler alloy with 5% silicon added and that 5356 is an aluminum filler alloy with 5% magnesium added. There are some misconceptions within the industry that you can successfully weld any aluminum base alloy with either 4043 or 5356 filler alloy.
Download AWS A5.10 ER4043 MTC AWS A5.10 ER5183 MTC AWS A5.10 ER5356 Test Report , MTC and MSDS)SOLID CO2 MIG WIRE ER70S-6
TOKO AWS A5.18 ER70S-6(SG2) is a wire with higher levels of Deoxidizers welding of steels with moderate amounts of scale or rust. (Mn & Si) compared to other carbon steel wires. This wire is suitable for welding of steels with moderate amounts of scale or rust. For Mig welding use Carbon Dioxide or Argon + Co2 or Argon + 2% Oxygen as shielding gases. What's features of TOKO brand Co2 Welding wire ER70S-6 (SG2)?
The higher contains of silicon and manganese increase the yield stress and tensile strength of weld metal. The high silicon content promotes a low sensitivity to surface impurities and contributes to smooth weld. Suitable for welding unalloyed and low alloyed construction steels with tensile strength below 640N/mm2 like boiler plate, fine grained steels, pipe steels, shipbuilding steels and cast steels. Download AWS ER70S-6 MTC and MSDS
, more introductions about ER70S-6/SG2STAINLESS STEEL TIG WIRE
4043 aluminum TIG rod - the most versatile for 3003, 6061, a355 aluminum castings etc. and do yourself a favor and get some 4047 rod for castings where porosity rares its ugly head. 4047 contains 12% silicon. That makes it flow better, and crack less. use 5356 on 6061 when the weld will be anodized after welding.
Suitable for: 1.4852, 1.4853, G-X 40 NiCrNb 35 25, 1.4857, G-X 40 NiCrSi 35 25, 1.4837, G-X40CrNiSi25-12, 1.4848, GX40CrNiSi25--
20, 1.4849, G-X40NiCr38-18, G-X40NiCrNb35-25, cast steels, HK40, HK45, UNS: J93503,
J94204, N08705.
Download Quality assessment reports from AWS A5.9 25.35Nb
MTC and
AWS A5.14
AWS A5.9
2535Nb(Cr25Ni35Nb), AWS A5.4
AWS A5.11
CrNiMo-3, AWS A5.14
APPLICATION: ER80S-Ni2 welding wire is used for TIG root passes or Tig & Mig joining for low-temperature, fine grained steels.
These alloys have higher strength and require good toughness at temperatures as low as -60°F. Download MTC data of
ER80S-Ni2 TIG Rods

1. If welding fluxes are stored in improper environment or influenced by condensed moisture, anyway, they get damp, please dry them at 300-350℃ for 2 hours before usage.
2. Please clean the rust,oil,water on base metal before welding.
3. Add minimum 20% new flux when using recovered flux to avoid welding defects and maintain welding performance; mechanical properties.
4. Read or download Flux Mill Test Reports: TOKO.SJ101, TOKO.SJ301, TOKO.SJ501, TOKO.HJ107, TOKO.HJ260, TOKO.HJ431 etc
Technical Specs
E6010 MTC E6011 MTC E6013 MTC E7016 MTC E7018 MTC ER80S-Ni2 MTC ER430 MTC TIG310 MTC MIG307Si MTC E308L-16 MTC E309L-16 MTC E316L-16 MTC E312-16 MTC E347-16 MTC E71T-1C MTC E71T-5C MTC E71T-GS MTC E81T1-K2C MTC E71T8-K6 MTC 25.35Nb MTC 35.45Nb MTC NiCrMo-3 MTC NiCrMo-10 MTC E2209 MTC ER2209 MTC ER4043 MTC ER5356 MTC E309LT1 MTC E316LT1 MTC EM12K MTC ER70S-6 MTC ER70S-3 MTC SJ101 MTC SJ301 MTC SJ501 MTC HJ107 MTC HJ260 MTC etc
AWS A5.1